Why choose ACP? A complete guide.

Online ACP guidance:

What is ACP?

ACP is an abbreviation for Agile Certified Practitioner and it carries a high value professionally because it is a perfect combination of agile training working on agile projects and examining agile fundamentals and tools. Now the newbies must be thinking, what is agile? Well, it is defined as a monotonous approach to deliver software in a cumulative manner from the start of the project rather than delivering the whole project at the end. This methodology is vastly applied in project management. This cuts a certain project into smaller reports instead of just reporting in the end so that minor changed can be made if needed according to the demands of customers. Through this approach customer also ensures that proper quality is being delivered to them and they remain satisfied.

Now to make a person expert in this approach, ACP certification online is considered as the most rigorous approach because the candidates selected to achieve this certificate are highly competitive, trained and experienced. Not everyone is eligible for this certification, at least 1500 hours of respective practice is needed to get a hold of this certification.

Agile tools and techniques:

·         Communications

·         Planning, monitoring, and adapting

·         Agile estimation

·         Agile analysis and design

·         Product quality

·         Soft Skill negotiation

·         Value-based prioritization

·         Risk management

·         Metrics

·         Value stream analysis

Who should go for this certification?

ACP is evidence of your real-world, hands-on experience and skill so if the firm in which you are working is adopting agile practices, you should definitely go for it because it is not just training and exams, it gives you real experience which makes your resume shine out from others.

Why ACP?

Selecting this certification will definitely give you an edge in your company, let’s list down a few benefits of ACP

Benefits of ACP:

1.      This will automatically increase your demand in the industry and definitely at the place where you are working.

2.      You will be acknowledged by everyone, be it your colleagues or your company or the competitors as you will be known for your knowledge and expertise in agile.

3.      All of this will definitely broaden your job scope plus it will mean you can perform more and better tasks at your company than before so it is a good chance for promotion. You can roughly expect a 20% increase in salary too.

4.      As your roles will increase, you will gain more grip and expertise.

5.      Having this expertise will boost your confidence and hence to delivery of output will be better.

You can also buy an online course to prepare it at home and working at the same time.







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